Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Class Lecture Quotations - Weeks 2, 3, and 4

Here is a running list of things Rob is saying in the class (and my commentary in response to said statements...):

9/14/2011 - "This may be the end of my professional career..." (regarding the emergence of 'therealroblarson' on Twitter)

My response: Let's hope not.

In the comments section below this post, please paste your Week 2 quotes and brief reactions, as they exist in your blog. Conclude by posting your Blog URL.


  1. 9/9/2011 - "The golden arches of McDonald's are more worldwide recognizable than the Christian cross." (Regarding semiotics, or the study of signs)
    My response : When I first heard this from Rob, I was shocked. But being perfectly honest, I did not know if he was lying or not. It makes sense that the golden arches would be more recognizable than the cross, just because of how society is moving towards fast food. How could McDonald's take over Jesus though? I went onto Google, typed it in, and I found our some pretty nifty information:

    According to Fast Food Nation, a new book by Eric Schlosser, 96 percent of American schoolchildren can identify Ronald McDonald. The only fictional character with a higher degree of recognition is Santa Claus. Schlosser says it's nearly impossible to overstate the impact of the fast food industry on the nation's culture, economy and diet. "McDonald's Golden Arches," he writes, "are now more widely recognized than the Christian cross."

    9/12/2011 - "You don't always have to tell the truth to the Internet." (Regarding the creation of our blogs and our info)
    My response: When I first heard that, it made me think of what really is factual out there in the cyber world. Are we just reading lies? When is it acceptable to tell the truth and to not tell the truth?

    You can see this and more at my blog:

  2. "Do not mis-quote me!"-Rob Larson

    My reaction. I will try...i think i just did tho.

  3. "I just saved you a hundred hours of work in your college career"- Rob Larson

    Thanks for the good website called it will come in great use!!!

  4. 9/16/11 - "It's called "Wikipedia".... maybe you've heard of it?"
    (referring to our class making a "wikipage")

    My response: Haha, Wikipedia is used so much in today's media, seriously everyone knows about it. Although a lot of people say that it is not very trustworthy and should not be used in doing research, it is probably one of my favorite websites. It is straight forward and to the point, you don't have to read about a bunch of things that aren't relevant to what you are trying to research.

    9/16/11 - "I want to show you just how easy it is to look smart in college."
    (referring to using and putting books in a bibliography)

    "I just saved you about 100 hours of work in college."
    (after showing us how to use in class)

    My response: Thank you for showing me that, especially so early in my college career!

    Find more at:

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 9/8/11 - "I hope by the end of the class when I ask how many of you use critical thinking, you'll all mindlessly put up your hands."

    Now this quote I remember specifically because of the word "mindlessly." Critical thinking is all about making the determination for yourself what is truth, and it's also about standing apart from others with your own individual perspective. I hope that we won't "mindlessly" do anything in class because then we wouldn't really have the right to be in college, a place where free expression and individuality are not only common, but expected.

    Check out my blog for the video to go along with this comment.

  7. Running List of the Things my Professor Says
    Thursday September 9, 2011 "Fluoride in the water makes people docile, and lowers their I.Q."

    My response: I had never really thought about the dangers of fluoride in our water but looking back at my notes and seeing this quote that Rob had said during the second day of class made me want to do a little research and this is what I found:

    Well, in case you didn't know it, fluoride is highly toxic. In fact, before fluoride was deemed a "cavity fighter," it was used as insecticide and rat poison. It's true. Even more surprising is that when it comes to dental hygiene, fluoride actually does more harm than good. Also a number of different studies have linked fluoride to as many as 10,000 cancer deaths per year, with a high incidence of bone cancer among men exposed to fluoridated water.

  8. Words from the wise...

    "Apply critical thinking otherwise it's going to remain a mystery." 9/9/11

    This is what Rob said to our Media Literacy class after he asked us all who ever uses critical thinking and NONE of us raised our hands. I think it brought a little concern to him. Although I do believe there were many of us in the room that DO use critical thinking. Come to think about it I don't really know why none of us raised our hands. Considering we are all learning at a college level we all must have used critical thinking at some point or another. Anyway I liked this quote because I feel like it can be applied to a lot of people. We, as a human race let a lot of things just go when if we would actually take the time to think about some of the things we let go we could be learning a lot more.

  9. September 15, 2011 - "We're gonna get like 1 or 2 copies of it. We'll pass it around like a bottle with a paper bag around it or something..."

    My response: Well Rob, if you really think that's what needs to be're the teacher and
    teacher knows best!...Right?

  10. “The Golden Arches of McDonalds are more recognizable worldwide than the Christian cross” (September 7, 2011)
    I did not believe this statement. However once I looked it up it turned out to be true, according to an article by PBS. In fact the only other fictional character with a higher degree of recognition, among American schoolchildren, is Santa Claus.
    Check out more of these amazing quotes at

  11. "If you don't study the heart of it, which is the difference between the truth and lies-deception, you miss the heart of media." -Rob Larson

    Response- This gives studying media literacy a meaning and makes me want to become more media literate so that I may find the truth.

    Check out the rest of my blog at

  12. - "I think I just saved you about 100 hours in your college career!" (after showing us

    My response: That website rocks! You totally did save me many hours, my eternal thanks!

    Check out more quotes on my blog

  13. "It's not cheating its just…research"

    Response: Couldn't have said it any better.

  14. "Who can explain the academic importance of this show....? If someone can't reign it in, there will be no more drunken baby puppet shows...." - Rob Larson on 9/7/11

    My response: Lawl...

  15. September 16, 2011

    "Camera Magic" -Rob Larson

    My response: Even though this is a very short quote, I thought that it really said a lot about this class, the media, and our lesson today. The class of 2015 -which would be me- is the first generation starting college, that is younger then the Internet.. HOW WEIRD IS THAT?! We have always grown up with technology, and advances we didn't even know was possible, and it is amazing. I thought the TED video clip we watched on "The Magic of Truth and Lies" by marco temptest was totally awesome, and really says a lot about our generation...

    To read more and watch the video to go with this check out my blog at

  16. I edited my quote... I dont want to misquote anything!
    9/9/2011 - "The golden arches of McDonald's are more recognizable worldwide than the Christian cross."

  17. "But what is God's time?" (In regard to the creation of the world.) Monday, September 19, 2011

    I thought this whole conversation was interesting. I always thought of there just being two explanations of the creation of the world; By God or from the big bang. I've been a Christain all my life and (obviously) believe that God is the highest power...with him anything is possible. He could have his own time scale, therefore making it believable that maybe, just maybe both theories could be correct!

    See this and more @

  18. "Fluoride in the water reduces IQ and makes people docile." (9/9/11)
    - I do not remember what this was in regards to, but I wrote it down because it sounded fishy to me. After doing some research, I found that fluoride in water is added to prevent tooth decay, but there have been 24 studies which have found a correlation between low IQs and fluoride levels in children's blood. Interesting!

    [in regards to there not being enough seats in class] "I'm so sorry. This is completely my fault. But it is partly your fault, too." (9/14/11)
    - When you said this, you were referring to me signing up for your class a day late. However, it was not my fault that people did not come to the first five classes, so it is not my fault at all. :)

  19. "Why would you love a teddy bear when it cannot possibly love you back?" (9/9/2011)

    This was my first quote so I did not write down at all what the context was or what this was in regards to but obviously a dynamite quote from the one and only. The longer you think about it the more it makes sense. Why would you love a teddy bear?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Week Three Quote is up on my blog!
    9/23/2011 - "We are the Sims of God; He has incredibly high-powered graphics." (Regarding the one reality we live in)

    My response: Today really rattled my brain. I never thought before about what if we could make our own virtual world. I mean, who thinks about that? So is God telling us what to do and how to live our lives like the Sims game? Rob was talking about if we had amnesia and he told us that our name was "Sam" and we were uploaded into his virtual world. It makes you think critically, at least for me, about whether or not that could be possible in the near future. It kind of makes my brain hurt to be honest. What if we could create our own reality, and everyone else could do the same? Would we have high-powered graphics like God? I typed in to Google about being Sims to God, and I found out that there is a Facebook page about this: . Weird.

    All my quotes thus far...

  22. Week 3 Quote:
    9/21/11 - "College is not a democracy."

    Democracy, as one specific definition in, is: " a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges." If I were to take this as being one correct definition, then I can say that yes, college is not a democracy. As a student moving from the oppresive rules and regulations of high schools, I'd like to believe that I have more of an equality in college, but that's unrealistic and very impractical. Why should I be considered equal to my professors? The whole point is to learn from their experience, not to collaborate and decide that I know better than they. I don't. College has little nuances from high school.
    Ironically, Mr. Larry Cuban comments, "Schools are, and have been, vital institutions that sustain democractic ideas, thinking, and action." Cuban addresses in his article how schools nowadays are being pressured to become uniform, unindividualistic. He stresses the importance of diversity and this is what "sustains democratic ideas." In essence, simply because we students don't study in equality with professors (in a democracy), doesn't mean that democracy is non-existent. Rather we have to discover it for ourselves in the real world (as per example, by voting). That's where we'll learn how much we've been prepared by our education.

    Sorry for the boring response this week. Nonetheless, check out the new "Randomness" post on my blog at

  23. September 19, 2011

    "Flouride was used in Nazi concentration camps to keep prisinors from wanting to escape." -Rob Larson

    Response-I found this very interesting and frightening. I looked it up and the Nazi's did use it to keep prisinors docile and to sterilize them. Flouride is a waste product from aluminum, and in it's pure form is a gas. It is mixed with sodium to form the solid sodium flouride that is found in our water, toothpaste, and in some medication. Flouride is also used in nerve gas and rat poisoning.

    see more @

  24. 9/19/11 “This is not a democracy, college is not a democracy.”

    Well...someone has strong political feelings towards college (Robert Larson). But, this is a topic that I feel could have some strong opinions and people that disagree. When looking up the word democracy it is defined as a form of government in which all people have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Therefore, in a certain sense college is a democracy because we all have equal say in what classes we want to take, what time we want our classes to take place, what we want to major in...and so on. So I am not saying that I completely disagree with Rob but I just don’t feel that college is absolutely not a democracy. In certain aspects I feel that it is a democracy. If you would like to learn about some people who disagree with Rob 100% you can check out this cite listed below.

    To learn more check out my blog:

  25. 9/19/11 "College is not a democracy"- Rob Larson

    My Response: While researching I discovered pretty nice web site called
    It talks about how colleges have came to govern themselves and the different democracy meanings. . The two chief meanings are...
    ONE, Government by the people
    TWO, Government for the people
    Back in the day students governed themselves and then they formed "masters" or teachers and this has become the accepted pattern in todays society

  26. Week 3!
    9/21/11 - "Maybe there's angels walking around and you don't even know it."

    My response: I looked up a bible verse that Rob used in class "Psalm 91:11" and I believe that this verse explains Rob's quote so well.

    Psalm 91:11 reads (according to the New International Version in 1984): "For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways."

    Rob's quote actually scared me a little when I first heard it, and before I looked up the bible verse that went with it. It seems crazy that there could just be angels walking around and we may not know it, or be able to tell them apart from other people. After reading Psalm 91:11, I understand how this could be though. For example, my grandma passed away a few years ago and I like to think of her as my "guardian angel." I feel as though she watches over me, protects me from dangers and guides me in the right direction. I agree with what Rob said, and I believe that there are angels among us. This bible verse is enough evidence for me.

    To see more, visit my blog at

  27. September 19, 2011

    "...everything is very sketchy...."

    My Response: Out of all the different quotes I wrote down I really liked this one, because I think it sums up our class lectures for this week which focus on the truth and lies in the media. It was also an interesting perspective to look at the age of the world (new world vs old world) based on media which would place the world at being about 6,000 years old. So based on what information we are given by our media sources is true? or not true? how can we really know.
    To see the videoclip to go with this check out my blog at

  28. Week Three Quote:
    September 9, 2011 "We're all having the same experience right now, but we're not all experiencing it in the same way" [In regards to perception]

    To me this quote much sums up perception. We all go through life seeing the same situation in completely different ways. I believe that your perception, or way that you view the world, can make a situation that could potentially not be very good, turn into a great one just by the way you look at things. Perception can be a very powerful thing if you know how to use it.

  29. Week 2
    "Why would you love a teddy bear, if a teddy bear absolutely cannot love you back."
    When Rob made this statement it made me think. Everybody has had a moment like this, perhaps not with a teddy bear but it could be guys loving their cars too. It doesn't really make sense that we do this but we personify with inanimate objects to feel loved.

  30. Week 3
    "Fluoride was used in nazi concentration camps to keep prisoners from wanting to escape."
    I looked this up and found out that Rob was telling the truth. Fluoride is an important ingredient in Prozac and Sarin, which are types of nerve gas. Why do dentists use this?

  31. Week 4
    September 28, 2011 "To a very large degree we are media." -Rob Larson

    Media is such an expansive topic that I believe that it does include humans. We communicate and spread ideas everyday about millions of different topics which would make us just like many of the media devices and advertisements that we see and use each and every day.

  32. September 30th, 2011
    "Do you realize, if I carried around this book, and, and that briefcase, people would be like, "Look at that academic."
    Not only did I find this amusing, but i felt this tied along with robs idea's about perception and deception. We tend to judge people on the way they look or carry themselves. In this case, with Rob wearing his nice jacket and carrying his book on "rigorous instructing" I agree with him. People would think he is an academic. Fools... lol

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. -"If you take the Bible literally..." (when talking about religion and so forth)

    My responce: Don't take the Bible literally! It always bothers me when people do that. My teacher didn't mean it to be like, "everyone take the Bible for cold hard facts" because he didn't but it got me thinking about all of the people that do think that way. The Bible is a collection of symbols and parables that are meant to show us how to act as people of God rather than for us to take as fact. I really like how this guy says it in this video of the republican political debate.

    To continue, the Pope has even said that the Bible is not to be taken literally. To prove my point I have found that if people were to take the Bible literally, most Catholics, or others of the same core beliefs, would be in jail. If you look at passages that tell of how men had multiple wives, lying, cheating, killing, and sheer brutality, it's no wonder that the Bible is set up to be a collaboration of parables. The Reduced Shakespeare Company has created a comedy sketch saying the same sort of things. There is proof right in front of our noses, all we have to do is look.

    Check out the links to this post and more at my blog

  35. September 30, 2011

    "Greek alphabet [is the] first and oldest alphabet [and was] developed from the phonecian alphabet" -a presentation group

    Response- Just wondering how the Greek alphabet is the oldest and first alphabet if it developed from the phonecian alphabet? Wouldn't that make the phonecian alphabet first and older?

  36. 9/28/11 "The printing press was the turning point in media"- Andrew

    My response- This is a great quote because its from a student "Andrew" who said this in front of the class. This was a very bold thing to say because not everyone agrees with it but shows that Andrew has great confidence in his group presitation and his person research on the printing press. For anyone who wants to read more about the printing press here is a good link that shows all the changes of the machine

    9/30/11 "Full of information that I can unleash on you"-Rob Larson

    My response- This quote is regaurding the book how to be a rigorous teacher. I think he was fibbing with us because many of us struggel just posting a quote and adding follower. So I dont think the course should get any more rigorous!!

  37. Week4!
    9/30/11 - “You know, if I carried this briefcase around with this book, people would be like, ‘Look at that academic.’” (in reference to the book How to Plan Rigorous Instruction)

    My response: The book is about teaching students to be better thinkers and learners, designing rigorous learning experiences that go beyond helping them simply learn standards. (summary from Amazon.) And just going by the title of the book, it sounds like a very good book for teachers to use to give their students the best education they could get. If I were to see Rob walking around St. Scholastica with his briefcase and this book, I would think of him as an academic myself.

    To see this and more, visit my blog:

  38. October 3, 2011 "Who really has a premium on the truth?" Rob Larson

    What could the answer to this be? God? People who are very well educated? The media? To me it's solely based on your own opinion and what you choose to automatically believe based on who said it. It's your decision to do research and find what you believe to be the real truth. People who believe everything they hear are usually misinformed.

  39. Week 5
    10/3/11 - "You have to know who you're writing for," (Christensen, Shattered Glass).

    Target audience is the number one strategy of any journalist, or any media for that matter. If they don't have an idea of who takes an interest, they don't know what they should be doing to enact change, either through social motivation or through lining their pockets. Many companies market their products to specific people, and make designs that will be attractive to that age/gender/culture group. So, for people trying to make a sale or trying to get a point across, it is important to understand how their audience will react to what they say. In "Shattered Glass," the New Republic's audience is the President. With such an important audience, it would be important to not only provide informative legislative pieces, but also human interest stories which depict the lives of the people, instead of simply what the President may, or may not, already know. So in order to put more life into the magazine, Glass possibly began creating stories. Is it true? I guess we'll find out later. In the meantime, this video from touches a bit on how the use of "demographics" by social media is affecting our society.

    To see the video posted with this comment and more, go to

  40. October 7, 2011

    "I didn't do anything wrong Chuck." -Stephen Glass "Shattered Glass"

    Response: Of course you would say you didn't do anything wrong if you were caught with creating a false story, but your saying you didn't do anything wrong is not the same as not doing anything wrong.

  41. Week 6
    October 3, 2011 "Green Schmeen. Until it gets a little tropical in the Twin Ports, keep those cars running."- Rob Larson

    This quote was obviously sarcastic and pretty funny on top of it. Having lived in Duluth for a few years now has made me realize that there are actually a lot of "green" supporters here. I found a group online called Community Action Duluth that "mobilizes people with low incomes and the broader community to build assets that prevent poverty, create equality, and strengthen our social fabric." Included in their multiple programs are four "green" programs that include Green Jobs, Seeds for Success, Duluth Stream Corps, and lastly Energy Canvass. This particular organization was of interest to me because of their multiple diverse programs that focus on many of the issues facing the city of Duluth.

    Find out more at:
